In July 2015 I started putting in applications with agencies. Each application took 1-2 hours to fill out. I found some agencies that agreed to work with me and some who didn't want to work with me. I came across Fertility Miracles and the fit seemed right. Fast forward several months and tons of paperwork later (background check, medical records, Dr med clearance, ect) I was finally cleared for my surrogate profile to be opened to potential intended parents (IP's). After this I got profile after profile of parents who had interest in me, but none gave me a "these are the parents" I wanted to work with. I started to get worried I wouldn't find anyone who met my standards, and started to think maybe my "gut instinct" wasn't as good in my personal life vs my nursing life. I thought my dream of helping someone have a baby to complete their family wouldn't come true. But on May 23rd I got an email of another profile of IP's who wanted to meet me, after a quick glance of their story and pictures I got the feeling I had been waiting for, I wanted to talk to them more. So I sent several emails back to the agency and asked several questions and agreed to skype
On May 26th, I had my first interaction with Q&A. Of course Skype was not working right so we were able to talk to each other but they couldn't see me. We talked about the surrogacy process, and what the expected and I expected. And then started talking about other stuff besides surrogacy. The conversation seemed natural. That night I talked to Rich about it and he basically said if it felt right to me he would support my decision.
On June 3rd we Skype again and this time we could see each other. Again we talked about our questions and concerns. Conversation seemed natural and we agreed on all the "big" topics. We all agreed that we want contact before, during, and after pregnancy. Agreed that we want an open relationship, only wanted one embryo transfered, and want to be comfortable with each other. After our 2nd Skype I told Rich these were the people. That evening I emailed the agency and told them I definitely wanted to be Q&A's surrogate. I anxiously waited for a response from Karen and when I got the reply I couldn't be more excited. Q&A agreed they wanted to work with us too! They had to do paperwork and on June 16th I got the email saying that we were officially matched!