Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Background Story

So many people ask me why I want to do this, some assume it is for money, others because I'm crazy.
Becoming a surrogate is something I've always wanted to do. When Rich and I started dating we were driving home one day and talking about having a family and started to talk about our family and friends who have struggled with getting pregnant. On that car ride 8ish years ago I told him I was going to be a surrogate some day.  If my memory serves me right I think he laughed and just agreed to make me happy.
 Fast forward a few years...... we decided it was time for us to have a baby of our own, but it wasn't as easy as we thought. We tried for a year with no luck, so we went to our Dr and had a bunch of tests done and we're told to just keep trying, so we did. Another year passed and still I wasn't pregnant, so back to the Dr we went. A few more tests were done and again told nothing was wrong and to start tracking ovulation with the sticks that you pee on. So I did... I soon discovered I wasn't ovulating every month. Month after month of heart break and sadness. Dr Growney started me on medication to help regulate my ovulation and told me if I wasn't pregnant in 3 months he was sending me to a Fertility specialist.
 Month one... not pregnant
Month two... not pregnant
Month three.... I was finally pregnant after almost 3 years of trying. 3 years of heartbreak and sadness. 7 weeks into the pregnancy we discovered we were having Twins and couldn't be more excited... after 3 years of trying for a baby we were blessed with two.
Shortly after having the girls the surrogacy though popped into my head again. In July of 2015 I decided to move forward and research more. It was definitely something I wanted/ needed to do. So I started the process.
We both also know several people in different aspects of or lives that haven't been ale to have children on their own and have turned to adoption, foster care, or decided to not have children at all. What ever the case is, families come in all different ways. (natural, foster care, adoption, surrogacy, ect). Our girls will be privileged to know that this is the case, and will be able to see that no matter how children are brought into our lives, all that matters is that they are loved and accepted as family.

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