Monday, October 31, 2016

The Big Transfer!

This is a post that tracks our trip to California last week.

On Wednesday October 26th Richie and I flew out to California for the transfer of one
 embryo. And to meet Q&A in person for the first time .
California here we come!

We have arrived and got in our rental car to tackle the LA traffic

Once in LA Rich and I decided to get away and relax before the big day to come  the following day. so we wet to Santa Monica Pier.  we spent some time walking around, watching people fish, and eating dinner. We then went to our hotel and settled down for the night since we had an early morning the next day.

On Thursday morning we got up bright and early and I started drinking a TON of water (dr's  orders)  we drove to the clinic after circling around looking for parking we arrived at the clinic. At that point my phone was ringing and it was the Dr calling asking where I was and why I was late.... I was told to arrive at 730 and transfer at 8an. Rich and I are always early and arrived at 710.
Once there they rushed me back to a small room with basic equipment.  (for sone reason I was expecting more) the Dr checked my bladder and told me to drink more water.  So I started chugging away. We told them we would not let them transfer until the Intended mother was there (the babies Dad was in New York and would arrive later that day). Once  "A"  arrived things moved quickly. ((t was a nice surprise for her since she didn't think she could be in the room for the actual transfer) Dr Winkler found the right spot to put the embryo ,  and a lady from the lab came in very quickly with a small catheter ,  Dr Winkler did her thing and the lab lady left the room, a few seconds you could hear someone shout "it's  all clear" referring to the embryo being out of the catheter.  At that point both Dr's said it went smoothly, and showed us a small white spot on the screen and said that was it.

After this I went to the hotel for bedrest and took a couple naps. RIch  got me In n out. and we relaxed. that evening Q&A came over to our hotel. we talked and got to know each other, after all I am going to carry a baby for them. :)

The following day Q&A came over with lunch and we continued to develop our rleationship. it is amazing how natural the conversation  is. that evening we all went out to dinner and we ate at a  Persian restaurant, something new to Rich and I, it was so delicious. not to mention we used Uber for the first time :)

The following day Q&A left to go home and Rich and I enjoyed a relaxing day going to the beach and walking around Universial  City Walk.

Sunday was time to come home. it was a bumpy ride, but we were so glad to see our kids. they seemed to miss us.

Catheter used for transfer 

Baby girl!

Waiting for transfer

After every storm comes a rainbow (seen from our flight on the way home

Our girls were so excited they fell asleep



Saturday, October 22, 2016

Monitoring continues

On Wednesday I had another ultrasound to check the lining.  I was told we are at an 8.1. I continued the medication and had another ultrasound yesterday along with blood work.  The ultrasound tech seemed concerned and kept looking back in my chart, naturally making me a little nervous.  Once she finished she said the "Dr would be right in" again raising a red flag since the Dr never came into the room since they just do the monitoring.

One of the Dr's  came in and asked when the transfer was planned, I told her next Thursday. She responded "good! If you were my patient I would be very happy with this uterus." She continued to say that the shape and structure were perfect. "Triple striped " and the thickness was perfect at 11.8.

Once I heard this I sent an enail to Q&A letting them know. (I usually try to email as soon as i know something) Now I had to sit around and wait for the phone call from the Dr in California.  Around 530 pm I got the call I had been waiting for. Everything looked great and I can continue on with the next step of meds.... shots! Richie is kinda nervous about helping with this. I gave him a quick lesson last night. So hopefully he youtubed it and will be a problem by tonight's first shot.

Next step... packing for Rich, the girls (who will stay with Grandma and Papa)  and myself to go to CA and finally meet Q&A in person and hopefully get pregnant.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Ready, Set, Meds.....

Monday I had the repeat ultrasound for my baseline lining. As soon as the image appeared on the screen the nurse said "I'm sure they will be very happy with this" my lining was at 3.8. Later that afternoon I got a call saying I could start meds. That day I got a new calendar showing the medication schedule with a planned transfer on Oct 27th if all goes well

Tuesday morning I started medication. Didn't notice any side effects.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Lining check.... not what we wanted

So yesterday 10/7 I had an ultrasound to check my lining so I could start the meds. Well my lining was to thick at 7.1. So the Fertility Dr office called and said I couldn't start meds until my lining was thinner. So now I have to have another ultrasound Monday. In a scramble to find someone to work for me I found someone so I could make the 2+ hour round trip drive for an ultrasound in hopes of a thinner lining.

Why is my lining so thick?
I was on birth control pills for a few weeks  so we could pick the days to start meds. I was told to take my last pill Tuesday the 4th for hopes of me starting my period on Thursday. I had a gut feeling this would not happen, and I was right.

So now we wait.....
Hopefully Monday my lining will be good and we get the thumbs up to move forward.
I just feel bad we may be delayed a few days since my body didn't do what it was "supposed to do"