Saturday, October 8, 2016

Lining check.... not what we wanted

So yesterday 10/7 I had an ultrasound to check my lining so I could start the meds. Well my lining was to thick at 7.1. So the Fertility Dr office called and said I couldn't start meds until my lining was thinner. So now I have to have another ultrasound Monday. In a scramble to find someone to work for me I found someone so I could make the 2+ hour round trip drive for an ultrasound in hopes of a thinner lining.

Why is my lining so thick?
I was on birth control pills for a few weeks  so we could pick the days to start meds. I was told to take my last pill Tuesday the 4th for hopes of me starting my period on Thursday. I had a gut feeling this would not happen, and I was right.

So now we wait.....
Hopefully Monday my lining will be good and we get the thumbs up to move forward.
I just feel bad we may be delayed a few days since my body didn't do what it was "supposed to do"

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