Tuesday, May 16, 2017

31weeks 3days growth

Again I continue to have twice a week appointments.  The past couple Tuesdays the Doppler have been good, but still show high blood flow resistance.  It is still much better with me not working so I'm still stuck out of work until she gets here.
Every Thursday I continue to have ultrasounds (BPP) which she passes with flying colors, NST, and visit with Dr Growney. Last week after the appointment I got home and started go habe lower belly cramping that would come and go and my belly would get hard. I did everything you should including take a nap and it continued. After talking to a friend who is an L&D nurse she told me to go make sure I wasn't feeling contractions. I went to the hospital and they checked my cervix which is still closed :) had a couple contractions upon arriving but they stopped quickly after. And haven't had any issues since.

Today I had my growth scan. Baby is still growing at her own pace (SLOW) but never the less she is growing. She currently weighs 2lbs 13oz (1264grams). And remains on her own curve. She is about 2 weeks behind still. The MFM Dr remains confident that we can keep her in the oven until 37 weeks.
I got to have a nice long conversation with Q&A today. They were happy to know she is growing. We talked about things we wanted during the birth ("A" will get baby after she is out for skin to skin assuming she is healthy", I will cuddle her once she is nice and clean, "Q" said he would be in waiting room, but I quickly corrected him and informed him there was no way in hell he wasn't going to be in the room for his daughter's birth) we all seem to be on the same page. Tomorrow I register at the hospital (it's getting real how close it is). Because Colorado is so surrogate friendly Q&A' s name will go on all the babies records and my name won't show.  We have a PBO (pre birth order stating they are the legal parents). I already talked to the director of L&D  and she is aware. Things are coming together for the final stages. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has been. Considering I applied to be a surrogate almost 2 YEARS ago.

A huge thank you to Richie, his parents, my mom, and Sister, along with those friends who check on me and take care of me and the kids

Some awesome pictures of the Baby Girl

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