Friday, December 30, 2016
Pics of the 70th/final shot.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
The end in sight
Just wanted to share a story, when I was registering for my ultrasound the admission lady and I were talking, and I told her this wasn't going to go through my insurance, and that the financial part was taken care of. She loozed at me confused, and I told her this was not our baby, that I was a surrogate. She started crying, grabbed my hands and thanked me for doing this. She went on to say "you have no idea how much this means to someone who can't have kids". I'm still amazed how positive people have been so far.
I also met with my OB office this week, went over the paperwork, answered all the questions, and got to hear the heartbeat.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
About damn time....
Attached is the link to the baby movin and groovin
Friday, December 16, 2016
The bedrest continues
I've been feeling pretty good, still tired and taking almost daily naps. I have also been super hungry all the time, much better than morning sickness I had with my girls.
This weekend we are in Thornton at my in-laws to celebrate an Early Christmas. We are also expecting our first real snow, so my girls are pretty excited.
Video of baby
Friday, December 9, 2016
Yet another ultrasound
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Birthday Reflections
Rich has always supported me any my crazy thoughts, (besides getting me a puppy). I wanted to move away from home so I could work at Parkview in the ER (my dream job at the time), so we did. We wanted to buy a house, so we did. We wanted to be a family with pets and kids, and we're blessed with our amazing kids and pets. I brought up surrogacy again after years of talking about it, and Rich had his reservation , but is now 100% on board and excited for Q&A and this little baby who is growing .
We are so blessed to have a house, running vehicles , family and friends who support us, finicial stability , great jobs, and the ability to help others.
In 29 years, I am pretty blessed to have reached, and accomplished the majority of my dreams and goals. Now, to grow and deliver a healthy baby for her parents to check another off the bucket list.
Time to start thinking of new dreams and goals. The sky is the limit, and I will get there someday.
Repeat ultrasound
Oh well, what ever keeps this baby healthy and growing. Also just wanted to touch base on the PIO shots.. holy smokes are they hurting ... definitely counting down the days till I can stop
Sunday, November 27, 2016
On Wednesday the 23rd I had another ultrasound . That day we saw the heartbeat! there was a huge relief . The person who did the ultrasound said she saw a small clot by the placenta. that evening Dr Winkler called and said she wanted me to go on modified bedrest due to the clot. The clot is known as a "subchorionic hemorrhage ". So the next few days I get to kick back and relax. Next ultrasound is Wednesday to check on the clothes size . Hopefully it will be gone with the relaxing.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Tired is an understatement! I forgot how exhausted you are in the beginning of pregnancy! There are definitely lots of naps and early nights happening right now.
Also there was a change in medication, the PIO was changed to a different oil. The injection is more uncomfortable, however the after effects are not as bad. I don't find myself having huge knots, or itching anymore. Hopefully it keeps up.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The results are in.....
Monday, October 31, 2016
The Big Transfer!
On Wednesday October 26th Richie and I flew out to California for the transfer of one
embryo. And to meet Q&A in person for the first time .
California here we come! |
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Monitoring continues
One of the Dr's came in and asked when the transfer was planned, I told her next Thursday. She responded "good! If you were my patient I would be very happy with this uterus." She continued to say that the shape and structure were perfect. "Triple striped " and the thickness was perfect at 11.8.
Once I heard this I sent an enail to Q&A letting them know. (I usually try to email as soon as i know something) Now I had to sit around and wait for the phone call from the Dr in California. Around 530 pm I got the call I had been waiting for. Everything looked great and I can continue on with the next step of meds.... shots! Richie is kinda nervous about helping with this. I gave him a quick lesson last night. So hopefully he youtubed it and will be a problem by tonight's first shot.
Next step... packing for Rich, the girls (who will stay with Grandma and Papa) and myself to go to CA and finally meet Q&A in person and hopefully get pregnant.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Ready, Set, Meds.....
Tuesday morning I started medication. Didn't notice any side effects.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Lining check.... not what we wanted
Why is my lining so thick?
I was on birth control pills for a few weeks so we could pick the days to start meds. I was told to take my last pill Tuesday the 4th for hopes of me starting my period on Thursday. I had a gut feeling this would not happen, and I was right.
So now we wait.....
Hopefully Monday my lining will be good and we get the thumbs up to move forward.
I just feel bad we may be delayed a few days since my body didn't do what it was "supposed to do"
Thursday, September 22, 2016
The LONG matching process
In July 2015 I started putting in applications with agencies. Each application took 1-2 hours to fill out. I found some agencies that agreed to work with me and some who didn't want to work with me. I came across Fertility Miracles and the fit seemed right. Fast forward several months and tons of paperwork later (background check, medical records, Dr med clearance, ect) I was finally cleared for my surrogate profile to be opened to potential intended parents (IP's). After this I got profile after profile of parents who had interest in me, but none gave me a "these are the parents" I wanted to work with. I started to get worried I wouldn't find anyone who met my standards, and started to think maybe my "gut instinct" wasn't as good in my personal life vs my nursing life. I thought my dream of helping someone have a baby to complete their family wouldn't come true. But on May 23rd I got an email of another profile of IP's who wanted to meet me, after a quick glance of their story and pictures I got the feeling I had been waiting for, I wanted to talk to them more. So I sent several emails back to the agency and asked several questions and agreed to skype
On May 26th, I had my first interaction with Q&A. Of course Skype was not working right so we were able to talk to each other but they couldn't see me. We talked about the surrogacy process, and what the expected and I expected. And then started talking about other stuff besides surrogacy. The conversation seemed natural. That night I talked to Rich about it and he basically said if it felt right to me he would support my decision.
On June 3rd we Skype again and this time we could see each other. Again we talked about our questions and concerns. Conversation seemed natural and we agreed on all the "big" topics. We all agreed that we want contact before, during, and after pregnancy. Agreed that we want an open relationship, only wanted one embryo transfered, and want to be comfortable with each other. After our 2nd Skype I told Rich these were the people. That evening I emailed the agency and told them I definitely wanted to be Q&A's surrogate. I anxiously waited for a response from Karen and when I got the reply I couldn't be more excited. Q&A agreed they wanted to work with us too! They had to do paperwork and on June 16th I got the email saying that we were officially matched!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
The Background Story
Fast forward a few years...... we decided it was time for us to have a baby of our own, but it wasn't as easy as we thought. We tried for a year with no luck, so we went to our Dr and had a bunch of tests done and we're told to just keep trying, so we did. Another year passed and still I wasn't pregnant, so back to the Dr we went. A few more tests were done and again told nothing was wrong and to start tracking ovulation with the sticks that you pee on. So I did... I soon discovered I wasn't ovulating every month. Month after month of heart break and sadness. Dr Growney started me on medication to help regulate my ovulation and told me if I wasn't pregnant in 3 months he was sending me to a Fertility specialist.
Month one... not pregnant
Month two... not pregnant
Month three.... I was finally pregnant after almost 3 years of trying. 3 years of heartbreak and sadness. 7 weeks into the pregnancy we discovered we were having Twins and couldn't be more excited... after 3 years of trying for a baby we were blessed with two.
We both also know several people in different aspects of or lives that haven't been ale to have children on their own and have turned to adoption, foster care, or decided to not have children at all. What ever the case is, families come in all different ways. (natural, foster care, adoption, surrogacy, ect). Our girls will be privileged to know that this is the case, and will be able to see that no matter how children are brought into our lives, all that matters is that they are loved and accepted as family.