We were all able to sit and visit then Q&A and grandma and grandpa went to their hotel. Rich left to let our dog out. While everyone was gone I started to have regular contractions every 3 minutes or so. (I was not expecting contractions this quickly). Contractions were in my lower back and tail bone. I was due to have a second dose of medication at 1130, but because of the contractions I was unable to get that dose until contractions slowed down. At 130am the nurse came in and placed Cervidil. Contractions increased in strength and I became very uncomfortable. At 240am I asked for pain medication (Fentanyl). I got a little relief. Rich got up and was AMAZING!!! I got another dose of Pain medication and was able to get on the birthing ball. That helped my back pain. At 430 I got up to use the restroom and my water broke. I didn't want to get off the ball until I could have more medication. So at 5am I got a dose of pain medication and the nurse checked my cervix... This was the most painful thing EVER. But was I at 2cm. I asked for the epidural! We notified Q&A as to what had taken place and they decided to get ready and head over.
At 620 I got my epidural and it was amazing. The parents and grandparents arrived and I was much more comfortable. Dr Growney came in the room around 8 and I was still 3cm and baby was facing up. At this point I was irritated because I felt like I should have been further along. My nurse put a ball between my legs and said it helped to turn the baby. I decided to try to get some rest. Everyone went down to get breakfast and I tossed and turned for a while. Rich came up and my nurse came in the room and checked me. She said I was still a 3cm but baby had turned. Over an hour or so span I felt awful and my nurse kept checking. She said I was 4cm, I kept saying I didn't fell well, she checked again and I was at 5cm.
At 935am I was a good 5cm. I was talking to Rich and the Grandma and Grandpa (mom and dad went to register baby down stairs) I was talking to them and about 20 minutes later I asked the nurse to come in because something felt different. She check me and told me "don't push, we are going to have a baby" I was 9.5cm and baby was right there. We called the parents and told them to come up now!!. They called Dr Growney. I was doing my best to not push, but my body was pushing. Dr Growney got to the room. Everyone was in place and it was go time! A few pushes later and she was out.
Baby "Edie" was 4lb 3oz and 17inches.
Baby "E" was placed on my belly and "A" got to cut her cord. Baby was crying and looked great, but was small. They took her to the warmer and she got a thumbs up. She was able to do skin to skin with her mommy in our room. I was still in bed and waiting for the placenta to deliver. After 15 minutes Dr Growney told me I had 15 more minutes before he got it out himself. And of course this is what happen. The placenta didn't want to detach so Dr had to manually do it. I lost a lot of blood. around 1000ml. I almost passed out between the blood loss and the pain. It is estimated I lost around 1/3rd of my blood volume.
Once all was good grandma and grandpa came in the room. Baby was still in there and doing great. I have to say everyone involved was AMAZING. Rich was the best support anyone could ask for. Q&A and his parents were so supportive and great. My Dr, nursing staff and everyone involved was the better than anyone could ask for.
Our girls met baby "E" Tuesday and spent some time with them. I was discharged home and am doing well besides feeling sore and tired
I have had several calls, texts, messages to check on me. I know everyone is worried how I will be since there is no baby to take care of. And I'm doing great right now. I know hormones are yet to come. but Seeing them with their baby is worth everything I've been through.
We will get to spend time with them tomorrow before they go home.
She's coming out |
4lbs 3oz 17inches |
I think he knows me!!! |
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